October 2008

October 09, 2008

Gerhard Jakobeit

Gerhard was born and raised in Germany and has a longstanding experience as an international architect. Gerhard moved to the United States in 1986. He studied architecture at the University of Stuttgart and was very successful working for clients in Europe and the US. After retiring from his international architectural career in 2004, he began working in the real estate business. He soon found he had another passion for helping all of his connections and customers from Europe buy and sell real estate or build their dream home. His profound knowledge and professional background are both key characteristics for developing long-term relationships with his loyal customers. Gerhard is excited to offer his clients a complete real estate experience working with an outstanding company. His clients appreciate the detailed, reliable information, and the full service package he and is team are providing. Contact Gerhard when you're ready to make a move. He can help with all your real estate needs. Whether you want to buy, sell or build send an email to [email protected] or call 239-677-7057. Gerhard ist seit ueber 30 Jahren in der Welt der Immobilien sehr aktiv: als international taetiger Architekt, als Berater/consultant und als Makler. Gerhard studierte Architektur an der Universitaet Stuttgart von 1966-1972 mit Abschluss als Diplom Ingenieur, arbeitete als selbstaendiger Architekt in Deutschland und den USA. 1986 wanderte er in die USA aus und ist inzwischen amerikanischer Staatsbuerger. Seit 2005 hat Gerhard seine Lizenz als Makler in Florida. Gerhard’s langjaehrige Erfahrung, Zuverlaessigkeit und fachliche Kompetenz werden von seiner internationalen Klientel besonders geschaetzt.

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